NEIBBCNortheast India Baptist Bible College & Seminary (NEIBBC&S) was established in 1976. The school is founded on, grounded in, and bound by the Word of God. Its goal is to train and equip young people for ministry. Currently, it has 70-80 residential students registered under both the undergrad and graduate courses. These students who hail from the Northeastern states of India represent at least 20 ethnic/language groups. It has 7 faculty members, one chaplain, and ten office and maintenance staff who run the day-to-day affairs of NEIBBC&S under the guidance of the Holy Spirit. NEIBBC&S has produced more than 600 graduates who are working as spiritual leaders in India, Myanmar, and Nepal, helping to expand the cause of the gospel.

Graduation 2007$500 per year supports one student at NEIBBC&S.

This includes room, board, and tuition.

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